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If users have the option to follow someone on Twitter, they also have the option to unfollow them. Users can perform this option anytime.

At some point, users tend to unfollow those twitter followers that they don’t like because they are no longer interested to see another user’s’ tweet. There are three ways to unfollow someone on Twitter. First, is from the users’ following list. Second is from another user’s’ profile page and lastly is via SMS or text message.

Unfollowing someone from the users’ list is as easy as one, two, three..the user just need to click on “FOLLOWING” on their homepage or profile page. Hover over the blue “Following” button that is located next to the person the user wants to unfollow. The said button will eventually change to a red UNFOLLOW button. They just need to click the  button to unfollow.

To unfollow using profile page, users just need to go directly to the profile page of the person the user wants to unfollow. Users have to hover over the blue “Following” button and it will change to a red button. They need to click that button to unfollow.


To unfollow via SMS or text messaging, users can type these words UNFOLLOW USERNAME and send it to their carrier’s short code. But if users only wish to stop receiving updates via SMS, they can text LEAVE USERNAME or OFF USER NAME to the same short code.